Special Work Week Activity Starting Monday, April 1st and more.

A special work week has been planned for anyone available during the week of April 1st. On Monday, April 1st a crew will begin work on the clubhouse and workshop project. The crew is planning on starting work at the site around 10 a.m. The plan is to build an 8-foot wall and install the electrical panel in the first container as we work to get electricity into the containers. We are also expecting the blue container to be moved this week which will allow us the ability to separate the remaining containers in the future so we can install center support under the containers. Additional workday details will be announced throughout the week. If you have something you’d like to work on let us know and come out and join the party. Here is the plan plus items that needs to be worked on in additional to the workshop and clubhouse project.

Monday, April 1st - Clubhouse and Workshop project @ 10 a.m.

Tuesday, April 2nd - Continued work on containers @ 9 a.m.

Wednesday, April 3rd through Friday, April 5th - Schedule to be determined.

Saturday, April 6th - Workday starts at 8;30 a.m. and Club meeting at 1 p.m.

Other than the clubhouse work going on here are some other items that needs to be taken care of.

  1. Oil all switches.

  2. Cut grass and weed eat around fence line.

  3. Add additional crusher run and 57 gravel against the new retaining wall near the Nicol bridge.

  4. Pickup all construction items around the railroad.

  5. Inspect track for any repairs needed.

  6. Clean and organize grey container.

  7. Clean and organize red container.

  8. Wash picnic tables under Breeseway.

  9. Test Signal System (new batteries have been ordered).

  10. Scrape and paint steaming bays.

Club Meeting is also on Saturday, April 6th at 1 p.m.


Here is a list of current workdays and projects on the calendar for the month and beyond.


Unofficial workday produced more progress on preparing the railroad and club steamer for operation.