Trains! Trains! Trains! 2022 - Weekend Recap

This past weekend, Saturday, January 29th and Sunday, January 30th, North Georgia Live Steamers displayed at the Trains, Trains, Trains! event at the Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History in Kennesaw. What an incredible event giving us the opportunity to meet so many people interested in history and learn about our hobby. The museum was so generous to give us a space that was in the main walkway providing us to meet many of the more than 2,000 visitors. A big thanks to the museum staff, organizers, and NGLS club members for displaying and working the booth.

We look forward to seeing so many of our new friends at the railroad this year during one of our four train ride days. For those interested in learning how to get involved with us during one of our many workday activities and open house events please feel free to contact us to learn more.


Reminder about the Welcome to the Railroad Social Event for New and Existing members


Day 1 is in the books for Trains, Trains, Trains! Join us on Sunday from 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.