Boiler Inspection Day Recap for Saturday, September 18, 2021

It is the one day a year that so many of our steam engines come together for one important purpose. The annual physical I mean boiler test. The steam engines go through a hydro test where the boiler is filled all the way and then we pump more in to make sure the tubes inside the boiler are functioning properly. While we pump more water in, we also do visual inspections for any water coming out of the boiler in areas that aren’t normal. After its all said and done the steam engines are fired up and operated mainly for fun.

Other activities going on the railroad includes Scott making some adjustments of the existing signal system at the main crossing ahead of our first public run day in two years. Otherwise, the group hung out and swapped stories.


Reminder: October 2nd - Public Run Day Volunteer Signup


October 2nd - Public Run Day Volunteer Signup