Workday recap for Saturday, August 7, 2021

Progress continues on the passenger line project. This past Saturday was a light workday with a lot of talking and planning prior to our August club meeting. After the meeting we had Robby, Calvin, Peter, Gene, Norm, and Scott install the deck boards for the pedestrian crossing. Planning for wiring for crossing electronics along with switch motor was also discussed during our time at the crossing.

Before work was done on the pedestrian crossing Bob C. took the club steamer around the railroad testing out the most recent pilot truck repairs. He then took the club steamer onto the passenger line make it the first steam engine to travel on the passenger line. Bob was happy to report that the steam engine is in good shape. Although he did put an asterisk by his recap stating its a steam engine it always needs something done to it. Check out the videos below to see the club steamer in action.

Don’t forget to checkout our events calendar for activities around the railroad and around the hobby regionally. Our next planned workday is scheduled for Saturday, August 21st with the annual Summer Nights Club fun day on Saturday, August 28th.


One year in on the passenger line project and look at what has been accomplished


Board Meeting Minutes - June 5, 2021