Workday Scheduled - Saturday, September 26th at 8:30 a.m.

We have a workday scheduled on Saturday, September 26th at 8:30 a.m. We will be putting the finishing touches on the new diamond and laying more track for the new passenger line. The grass also is in desperate need of cutting but before that can be done the club lawnmower needs to be repaired. If you are able to go over to the site and work on the lawnmower that would be great. The front left tire is loosing air and needs to be repair and an issue has come up with starting the lawnmower as well.

Other items on the radar include:

  1. Grey Container Extension- needs electrical work completed

  2. Member container project - a couple of frogs need to be profiled and switches built

  3. Track panels built for passenger line project. Railroad ties will also need to be cut

  4. General maintenance around the railroad in advance of our club fun day in October (replaces our canceled public day)

Don’t forget to bring lunch, water, and a good sense of humor for the day.

Checkout What Else Is On The Calendar


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